Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Soap box for the day

First off I would like to say thank you Jesus! I took my last final today. What a load off my shoulders. I'm running on very little sleep and slowly detoxing myself from coffee. I'm sure I will have a massive headache tomorrow. But while I am still riding the caffeine high (fabulous drug by the way), I will jump on my soap box for the day. Now that I am out of school, I can read my bible a lot more. I know my calling is not to teach. My husband would be fabulous at it. He understands the bible well and quotes stuff off the top of his head. I can understand pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, chemistry, biology, you name it. Science stuff I can do. Bible is a little harder for me. I try though and that's what counts. And I find the more I try, the more I understand. I really believe when you seek the lord with all your heart, you'll find him. But anyways here's the verse for the day and my thoughts. It's from Matthew 15:8 but it's a reference from Isaiah.
"This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me."
Let me begin by admitting that I make mistakes and by no means am I perfect. I am not trying to sit up here on my high horse. I'm fully aware of 1 John 8. However, I also know that there is a difference between messing up and willfully sinning. I am a relatively new christian but I have been trying witness lately and I come up against such a wall. Do you know what answer I get mostly when I ask people to go to church? Usually it's "why would I go to church? It's always full of hypocrites." No kidding! And it's so so sad to me. And why would people think any different? What are we doing as christians to prove them wrong? Or the better question is, what are we doing to make them think that to begin with? I'm guessing the answer to the second question is a much longer list than the first.
One of my pet peeves is for people to confess christ, yet their life is not reflecting that he is in it. How do you expect people to come to him when you don't look like him yourself? They have to be able to see something in you that makes them want that for themselves. And when you talk a good game and yet you act entirely different, you are not bearing fruit. Revelation 3:16 "So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Don't lie to yourself. Know where you stand! Otherwise, you are doing more harm than good.
My mom told me a story of a girl she knew who went to church. She didn't have money to buy new clothes. She just wore a dress that she had that wasn't necessarily appropiate but that's all she had and some ladies in the church scolded her. She didn't go back. No wonder! Would you? Why couldn't they have offered her some clothes? Seriously what is wrong with people? If she never gets saved because of those people, her blood is on their hands.
Jesus is not like this. Please people don't ever think he is anything like our sinful flesh. He had to take it on to come here and be an example, but he never succombed to it. Jesus is full of love but let me tell you, when he came here, he was straight up blunt. There are sometimes I read the gospels and I literally laugh. He didn't spare the pharisees' feelings. He called them out! You go Jesus! He doesn't like hypocrites. Read Matthew 23 and you'll see. Don't make a mockery of him people and bring him to an open shame. Live as he did (this goes for me too). Walk it, talk it, and love it. You've been given the gift of salvation!

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