Thursday, May 13, 2010

quick thoughts

Today I am just going to give some quick thoughts. I have to go to work soon and don't have a lot of time but wanted to post something for today. So I was just skimming along and came to John, and for those of you who know me and have been to my bible studies, you know that is my absolute favorite book. So I found a place that reminded of a certain night @ church. I hadn't been doing so well in my relationship with God. I was super busy with school as usual and my priorites had gotten skewed. I don't think God leaves us, but we leave him and he'll let you walk by yourself for awhile to show you how bad it sucks. But anyways, I was working out one night and I remember praying while I was on my elliptical, "lord I feel I don't know even feel like I know you anymore. Why don't I feel you're even here?" I went to church a few nights later (and this one of the reasons I know without a doubt God is real), and my preacher had started preaching out of John. I had told him nothing about what was going on. He went to chapter 14 verse 9 where Jesus is speaking to Philip to the part where he says "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me Philip." And I promise you my head snapped up as soon as he said it. And I know where he is talking to Philip, it's in a little different context but I felt like he was talking directly to me. As if to say, I've been here all along, and I haven't changed. The better question is, where have you gone? It was really one of those strange moments you have with God, where if he were standing right in front of you, you would have run to hug him and just fallen in his arms. I really needed that at that time. It made me realize that your relationship with God is like any other relationship. You have to spend time with him and let the relationship grow. But I just wanted to share that quickly. I hope it touches someone out there because it sure did me when it happened.

God Bless!

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