Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One we all know

So I'm a horrible blogger. I've meant to post something for several days but I couldn't find anything I really really wanted to post about. I've decided I am going to stick with what I'm good at. I will leave the hard core discussions and in depth bible topics to others who are probably better qualified than me. I just want to tell people about my relationship with God and how he's been so amazing to me.

I've been skimming around I was reading in Luke and got reminded of something. It occured to me that I've never told the story of how I got saved. I thought I would briefly share this and then I'll tie it in with what I was reading in Luke. So I didn't grow up in church. The only time I ever went was with my aunt and uncle and my two cousins. And as I got older, even those visits to church we far and few between. I remember many times God trying to talk or even using other people to try and talk to me but as soon as someone started I shut it off. I did NOT want to hear it. Looking back, I'm not sure why I was so against listening. I believed in God but I just didn't understand anything about him and wasn't sure why I should get saved. Yes I believed in heaven and hell but I think deep down I thought being a "good person" was good enough. It's only now that I realize that person was not a good person at all and that our definition of a good person does not even remotely resemble God's. The person I am now is much much better, no thanks to me I assure you. I did nothing on my own and I'm not perfect. I'm still working on me, or God is rather.
It was January of 2007. I can't remember why now but for some reason instead of going to visit Chris @ berea for the weekend I stayed in williamsburg at my college. I was having trouble sleeping all I could think of was how much easier things would be if I would just turn my life over to God. I was applying to pharmacy school at the time and everything was so stressful. I was miserable for no reason. I remember that saturday night I got on msn messenger before I went to bed and my cousin started witnessing to me. Again it was one of those times I totally didn't want to hear it, but I love her so I kept talking to her. I finally went to bed and was being so convicted, that I still was having trouble sleeping. When God is pulling at your heart trust me you know it. I woke up the next morning and was determined to go to church. I didn't even know how to get saved (crazy right?) but I literally could not take it anymore. I had to do something. I decided to go with one of my best friends at college, Lisa. And I can honestly say that no matter how many miles separate us and how long we go without talking (she's in med school and I'm in pharmacy school, busy schedules) I will always consider her one of my best friends. I can never repay her for being there when I needed her. I went to church with her and I could not make myself go to the alter. I didn't want people to look at me. I felt like I had sinner written across my forehead (which I know is absolutely ridiculous but I was scared to death and embarassed). So I didn't go but we went walking on the track above the gym afterward and God was pulling my heart so much and I confided in her that I had never been saved. I started crying and we went into the athletic director's office (it was sunday so no one was in there), and she prayed with me. I remember specifically one of the things I said was "God I just don't want to do this anymore. I can't handle things on my own please just take over my life."
I'm crying as I write this because I really feel like it was yesterday. That day literally changed my life. But God wasn't finished yet. Later, after I told everyone and told Chris, the next few months were hard because chris still wasn't on board. He had been in church before but definitely was not at the time. He confided in me that he was shocked because a few months before he had felt like God was tugging at his heart and he ignored it but prayed to God and said "just get monica to come to you first." He knew I had never been saved and it would be difficult to get me. And then lo and behold out of the blue, I gave my heart to Christ. I say that jokingly because I know it was God's plan all along. I remember being at school and talking to chris on my lunch break in between classes and flipped open my bible to Luke 15. I was not familiar with the bible that well yet so I know it was God that took me there. I'm not going to insert the whole passage but my favorite high points include:
7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
32......for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

In April, chris finally gave his life back to God. A huge weight was lifted off of me. Even though God had already told me he would come back, it was still such a relief. And it couldn't have come at a better time. On april 17th, chris' best friend that he had grown up with his whole life died in a motorcycle accident. He was utterly devastated. I was really scared at first because I thought he may blame God, but got surprised because he leaned on him more than ever. I really think God couldn't have had more perfect timing with him. I don't think he could have made it through that without him.
God has blessed me in many ways. 3 years later and I don't regret my decision and still say it was the greatest decision I ever made. That first step is the hardest but I promise you'll never regret it. Don't ever think it's too late to go back. He'll welcome you with open arms. In that chapter in Luke in verse 20 it says: And he arose and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

Lord, thank you for reminding me of where you brought me from.

God Bless!